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3 Steps to Improve Your Writing

3 Steps to Improve Your Writing

Writing effective contents are vital for creating a business strategy and transforming your audience with good effective writing skill. Reaching your targeted audience is as important as your product itself. Therefore, it’s very important to write effective and appealing content for your business.

If you are writing as an amateur, or as a professional. It is just the difference between being only informative and being persuasive.

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Amateur writers write as they are bound to write. The endeavor put into writing is futile if your targeted audience doesn’t go through it. So how do great writers change their presentation through content analysis?

Professional writers always concentrate on one main goal which is to transform their audience through content marketing strategy.

They attempt to help their audience see through different eyes, act differently, and change the way they interact with the world.

If you want to have an impact through your writing, follow these three simple basic steps to improve your writing and that will help you to reach your targeted audience too.

The 3 Steps to Improve your Writing Skill.

  • Audience Specific 
  • The Right Platform
  • Transformation

1. Audience Specific

The first step is to know whom you are writing for, this will certainly help you to focus while writing and improves your writing for your business.

Targeting the audience based on behavioral and demographic attributes such as age, gender, education and income, purchasing habit, hobbies, etc. is a crucial point to consider while writing for content marketing goals.

When I know whom to convey my message to, I am all set to customize my message to a particular age group. For instance, keywords such as “Grind”, “Turn up”, and “Vogue” will more likely resonate with the teenage group whereas “revolutionary,” “cutting-edge,” or “fresh,” are some words that resonate with the 18-25 age group.

At the same time, people belonging to the age group of 60-70 will have a negative reaction to those words who generally prefer words such as proven, safe, and sensible. To learn more about using appropriate keywords for content marketing goals visit Keyword Tool

2. The Right Platform

The second step to improving your writing skill and attracting the right audience for your content is the right communication platform. The medium through which you are going to communicate with your audience.

The right platform, the right medium through which you will communicate with your targeted audience. Magazines, newspapers, journals, books, radio and TV ads, blogs, and websites are some of the mediums to reach the audience.

The platform you choose is determined by the researched audience. For instance, if I am writing about fashion and lifestyle, I will prefer my targeted platform to a magazine because when it comes to fashion and lifestyle, the 18-24 age group people prefer magazines.

Choosing a book or radio would not be a great idea. On the other hand, if I am writing a long article on inflation and deflation, especially for scholars and economists, the best place is probably a scholarly journal.

Few people have time to read long blocks of meaningful text on a computer screen.

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3. Transformation

The third and final step to improving your writing skill which is, how you are going to transform your audience through your writing. What is your ultimate goal?

There should be 3 goals for any sort of writing communication.

The three types of transformation goals are Know, Feel, and Do.

A know transformation is informative that strives to give the readers new information, or even old information arranged differently, to help them acquire the knowledge they didn’t know earlier in such a way that changes their way of thinking and perspective.

A feel transformation seeks to arouse strong emotion among the particular audience, while a do is specially planned to get an audience to take very specific, immediate, and tangible action.

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Amateurs look at this list and try to do all three whereas professionals focus on one and nail it because doing so impacts others and helps you to drive sales.

If you want to boost your online and offline business through your content to have an impact, you must learn how to improve your writing skill and write effective content for transformation.

You must know whom you’re writing to by using the right venue to reach them and choose the right transformation and execute it well.


If you are really looking forward to improving your writing skill and wanted to write good effective content and wanted to make your career in this online space while sitting at home then you must understand the various online avenues to Earn Money Online.

Here are 15 Ways to Earn Money Online for your reference to start your journey.