Writing & Publishing

5 Reasons Why Writer Needs a Website

Why does a Writer Needs a Website?

The basic thought comes to our mind while creating and building a new website and specifically when & why a writer needs a website? As the website began to experience its changes, digital marketing started to grow in popularity, and digital platforms emphases towards content marketing. Nowadays, leads generated by inbound traffic are converted into sales through relevant creative writing.

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The basic element to answer this question of why a writer needs a website because to showcase his work and to mark his presence online. Online presence is mandatory at the edge of this digitalization.

A writer can showcase his books or other writings by creating a simple static website. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, poetry, music, freelance writer, or even a brand-new writer without a clue, creating a website shows you as an expert in your field.

Those who are serious in their career, take out their time to write and maintain a website that helps to promote your business.

The 5 Reasons Why Writer Needs a Website

1. The First reason is Credibility:

Trust is the main and major consideration why a writer needs a website. Trust is the foundation for a business to gain credibility. To foster credibility, you need to be honest and transparent with customers, employees, vendors, and investors. Building credibility helps you to create visibility to prospective audiences or customers by helping you to compete. Ones you establish credibility, your prospect audience respects you, aligns with you, and continues to use your business because they feel connected to what you say, do, and stand for. As your website includes your experience, biography, and writing credits as well as links to your works or other ads it helps to differentiate you from your competitor by building brand awareness and loyalty.

2. The second and most important aspect of having a website is Professionalism:

The conduct, behavior, and attitude you show in a work or business are generally known as professionalism. If you want long-term success in your business, workplace professional behavior is a must. Employers who behave professionally create an appropriate working environment by encouraging their employees to act themselves in a manner that supports company-wide success. You can establish your expertise in your particular field through a website by presenting the number of articles, and works you have done as well as any experience or education you may offer in this field. A Professional writer needs a website to generate a trust factor and assurances to the people that they are at the right place.

3. To Create Online Traffic

To build up a connection with your customers, you need to make them understand your product, services, plans, and offers that organization is offering. Creative content writing helps you to connect with your specific audience emotionally as by writing irresistible headlines and using social media channels to promote your content you can attract audience attention. Apart from that, if your audience subscribes to your business, you can also connect with them on regular basis through emails. Apart from that you can also Track and Monitor the website traffic which will help you to record your progress on the website. Listing your articles with appropriate keywords or putting a selection on your site will get your name linked with various keywords surrounding that topic in the search engines.

4. The Key Reason is to Generate Income: 

A writer needs a website to generate revenue. Depending on the size and traffic you attract on your site may become a major new source of generating profit. Here are a few ways how a writer can monetize his site and generate revenue

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  • Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to monetize your website. You can start by recommending products that your targeted audience would like. Then endorse the product on your website and promote it to your audience. On clicking and purchasing through the affiliate link, you will get a split of the sale price. Watch this tutorial video about Affiliate Marketing to get your concept clear.

  • Google AdSense is another common way to generate profit. Popularly known as pay-per-click advertising, reflects on the top of Google search result pages. Signing up, will identify the type of content on your site and start to display relevant advertisements. For instance, if your website is about publishing books or articles, Google AdSense will show your audience ads about various famous books or other informative ads.

  • Selling your products can be the major source of generating profit. As there will be no middle person between you and your audience you can sell your products directly through your website and get paid immediately.

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5. Website is very Inexpensive to Build

Compared to retail stores, operating a business or other work through a website is quite cheap. There are some free or affordable small business website design tools through which you can create your website on your own without hiring a website developer. WordPressHostinger, and Weebly are some of the cheap website design tools through which you can create and operate a website on your own. If you want to have deep insight into designing a website step by step, visit the website building course and master yourself in creating a website.

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Thus, a website for a writer is a foundational building block of brand creation.

A writer needs a website to increase flexibility, control, branding, and credibility. 

It triggers your credibility as an authentic business by helping you to showcase your expertise and improve your position in your business or any other work.

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