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7 Signs of an Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur?

Are you planning to start your own business? 

How do you know if you are an entrepreneur?

Do you know what traits you need to become an entrepreneur?

How do you know if you have what it takes to start a business?


There's really no way to know the traits for sure. But I do find things in common among those who are an entrepreneur or ready to consider an entrepreneurial venture.

I don’t believe that starting a business is enough and a big task, starting and making it successful I believe is very important. It takes an Entrepreneurial Fire in your gut to start a business and make it succeed.

Not everyone has it.

Now the big question is how do you know if you have what it takes to start a business? There's really no way to know the traits for sure.

But I do find things in common among those who are an entrepreneur or ready to consider an entrepreneurial venture.

Let’s find how you’ll get to know whether you have an entrepreneur personality or not with these 7 signs of an entrepreneur.

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You don't have to fit in all seven of these types to be a good candidate for entrepreneurship. But it probably wouldn't hurt if you find all. In general, the further you have in common with these characteristics, the closer you probably are to being ready to try going out on your own to start and make it happen for you.

7 signs of an Entrepreneur

1. The first thing I believe and this is an internal sign of an entrepreneur is Your Personality.

You probably come from a line of people who couldn't work for someone else. I don't mean that in an undesirable way. I mean you don’t like taking orders from others and don’t enjoy working under anyone.

People who are successful at establishing their own businesses usually have parents who worked for themselves.

It's usually very easy to get a job with a company in comparison with starting your own business, and even you are not going to get paid immediately.

People who start on their own often have the direct example of a parent to look to.

2. The next You are a Hopeless Employee, you were asked to leave, or you quit before they could fire you.

No need to sugar-coat this one.

People who start their own businesses tend to have been fired from their job or quit more than one job.

I am not including those who chose to change their job by their choice for lack of work or moved from one job to another for better pay.

Yes, but we need to admit that somewhere these sorts of people also not getting what they are trying to achieve from their careers. So, this is also another sign of an entrepreneur.

Always remember to become an entrepreneur the only person who can effectively motivate and manage you is yourself.

3. Then another sign of an entrepreneur is - You see more than one definition of


I always wonder how few people worked with the same employer for 20 or 30 years.

They look very protected and secure and I believe new learning is limited.

But how many people do you know who are able to stay with one company for that long period of time?

In this rapidly changing economy, job security can be terrifyingly momentary. So, if you the kind of employee who always looks for job security then you don’t have the sign of an entrepreneur.

Those who don’t much concerned about their job always focus on their performance and if you are a productive employee then you don’t have to worry about your job security.

4. You have Already Achieved and gone as far as you can go, or you're not going anywhere at all.

Sometimes the motivation to start a new project comes from having reached the top of the mountain where you are, looking around, and saying, What's next can be done?

Early success can be delightful, but early retirement can sometimes drive energetic and motivated people totally crazy.

This is another sign of an entrepreneur.

5. Another sign of an entrepreneur is You have already done Market Research.

Don't even think of becoming an entrepreneur or talk about your great business idea if you have not spared enough time into figuring out if there is a market for your product or service.

As the people behind any number of failed Internet businesses will tell you, "cool" doesn't necessarily translate into "profit." Don't even think of building it if you have not figured out whether there is a good chance to make your product or service consumable or not.

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Audible Audiobook – Unabridged 

by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

6. This is the important sign of an entrepreneur you have Got the Support of Your Family.

Starting a business is stressful and hectic under the best of circumstances. Trying to do it without the support of your spouse or other significant family members or friends would probably be a red signal for you.

7. Then if you know You Can't do it Alone which is another sign to be an entrepreneur.

You might be good at promoting a business, may you know all the basic things to start your business or maybe you love running the financial end of the enterprise.

You could be someone who wants to be an entrepreneur and starts a business because you have unique creative or technical know-how to create a product.

Any of the above signs of an entrepreneur is possible, but it's unlikely that you are going to excel at all of these tasks involved in running any business. You must and you are going to need some help sometime to take your business to the next level.

The willingness to get that help by having employees, partners, or consultants for those areas in which you are not an expert or you don’t know is one indicator of future success.

None of the successful entrepreneurs has ever succeeded alone.

The person who is most capable of enlisting the support of others is the most likely to succeed in Business.

All the best for your venture.

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