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Are You Programmed for Success or Failure?


When you look around, you will see people making millions of dollars and living the life of luxury. When you look at the number of people who are starving, struggling to survive, or even struggling to make a living, the figure is in the billions.

There is no need to question if you are programmed to fail or succeed, just realize you are programmed to live.

A lot of people are programmed for failure. They live their lives struggling and they struggle with everything around them. They are always working towards something but they don't realize it.

They don't realize that they are so much stronger than they think they are. They know that there are people out there who are doing better than them, yet they don't put the effort in. They don't understand that they are capable of doing so much more than they think.

Do you also find yourself feeling stuck in a rut, and not really sure where to go from here? Do you feel like you are "programmed" for failure?

This article will show you how to escape this mindset and start living your dream. Before you read any further, I want to warn you that this is a very difficult article for a lot of people to read. It takes a lot of introspection and realizations.

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How are You Programmed?

Have you ever wondered why some people just have all the things that they want in their life? They're financially set and well-liked by everyone they meet.

What stands out most is their cheerful sense of self-confidence when they enter a room. It's as if they have a "presence" that gives off a positive vibe.

However, not everyone is so lucky. Some people face low self-esteem, struggle to maintain positive relationships, and have hard feelings about those who are wealthier than they are.

What's the difference? Is it because one person is so successful while another is constantly struggling to make ends meet?

The answer lies in what I call your "invisible lifestyle." Your invisible lifestyle is what makes you who you are today. You are literally "programmed" with the habits and beliefs that you follow (or refuse to follow) today.

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So, who were the programmers? Look no further than your own parents or guardians.

That's true.

Your parents subconsciously "programmed" you into who you are today. The reason I said "innocently" is because your parents raised you the best, they could be based on how your parents raised them.

Due to the "brain wiring" of the original programmers (parents), when they grow up, they replicate the way they lived when they were young.

For example, let's say you grew up in a home where your parents were always there for you. They were interested and encouraged in whatever you pursued.

You grew up in a family where your parents worked hard every day, cared for you, and treated each other with respect. As a result, you worked hard and treated your spouse with the same respect that your parents had, resulting in a successful career and a happy marriage.

Now let's look at another scenario...

Imagine life growing up in a neglected house. Your parents never encouraged you or took an interest in what you did...ever.

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Your father had a negative attitude towards his life due to his traumatic childhood, so all he knew was how to raise YOU, the same way that his father raised HIM.

As a result, you grew up with a negative outlook on life just like your father and low developed self-esteem because no one encouraged you or cared for you as a child.

Is this your fault? No! of course not!

You did not ask to be born in your parent's house. This is the "hand" you were given in life, and now, as an adult, you are living the consequences.

In both scenarios, you live what I call the "Invisible Lifestyle A."

A - stands for "always"

“It is hard to believe that something that went unnoticed by your parents when you were a child has been faithfully recreated today and that you are doing it.”

But there are exceptions to this phenomenon...

Let's say you grew up in a bad neighborhood with an alcoholic father. Poverty, crime and despair were everywhere.

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As a kid, I couldn't wait to get out of the house. You saw your parent’s lifestyle and decided not only to be successful but also not to be like them.

Growing up, you finished school and took the necessary steps to become an adult. You have a positive self-image and do everything in your power to be financially stable.

This is known as “Invisible Lifestyle B.”

B - stands for "backing"

"What you didn't get from your parents when you were growing up, you can't sustenance it in your relationships today."

Those who adopt the "B" lifestyle do so in disregard for family values. B's lifestyle can produce "family black sheep", which is true for struggling or every successful family.

Invisible Lifestyle B begins with an inner-city boy or girl who becomes a successful lawyer and each of his siblings ends up in jail. On the other hand, children from wealthy families may spend irresponsibly, go against their parents' values, and eventually go bankrupt as adults.

I'm not saying you should blame your parents. Your parents raised you from what they knew at the time. That's all they knew. It's not their's NOBODY'S "FAULT".


The Truth About Success or Failure

It's important to understand and accept the fact that the negative values ​​you inherited from your parents fear of failure, low self-esteem, jealousy, etc. are literally "hardwired" into your brain. Learn from the 7 habits of highly success people.

If you are dissatisfied with it enough, it is very possible to change that programming in your adult life. But knowing that is not enough.

You need to find these programs and learn how to "deprecate" them.

If your parents programmed you with negative values ​​that are causing problems in your life's not your fault...but do something about it. It is your responsibility.

We can start by thinking about how every aspect of life today is directly impacted by our invisible lifestyle.

The more we talk about our memories of childhood situations, the more likely we are to notice them and “throw them away.”

Most people will have no connection for the rest of their lives between their adult behaviour and their parents' childhood lives.

Without knowing the real reason why they keep making the same mistakes, they accept their parents' values ​​without questioning anything.

But now I know better.

As we get older, our parents start to set more and more values for us. Some of these values may be things like following the rules, being responsible, having a good work ethic, and not using our free time to make risky decisions.

These values can often haunt us as we get older and try to figure out how to live our own life without their influence.

One way to Eliminate these parental values is by first identifying them and then removing them from our lives. This will help us focus on what's important and not be influenced by those same values.

It is also important to understand that there are several different types of parental values, and each one has its own unique influence on how we live our lives.

For example, some parents value their children's safety and well-being above all else. They may be afraid of making too much noise or being picked on in school.

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Other parents may prioritize the child's education and development over anything else. These parents may be more likely to discipline their children if they feel they are not able to handle the situation themselves.

Don't live your life blindfolded. Create a better tomorrow by first identifying and then eliminating the parental values ​​that haunt you today.


Everyone wants to be successful. Some people dream about it, some push themselves to achieve it, while others go about it in a relaxed and nonchalant way.

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time accepting that I am the one who is supposed to make things happen.

I don't think that I am the one who is supposed to make things happen.

I think that God is supposed to make things happen.

I think that we are supposed to make things happen.

I think that the things we make happen are supposed to bring us success and joy.

The rest is just a game of chance.

Success is not an accident. It's a result of your hard work and dedication. Whether you are an entrepreneur, employee, student, or whatever, it takes work and dedication to be successful.

Go ahead work hard and achieve your success!

Do let us know in the comment box below how are you programmed?


Thanks for reading!

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