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Control Your Fear Before It Will Control You!

How to Control Your Fear Before It Will Control You?

"Fear Factor" and "Roadies" have been one of my favorite TV reality shows. It highlights the courage of the participants to perform and engage in the most tremendous challenging and disgusting activities.

Most of the contestants are willing to show their courage and sacrifice their dignity for the sake of the prize money. So, what does that suggest?

It suggests that with the proper mindset, determination, and willpower, anyone can face & conquer their fear. Everyone has some sort of fear in life. It may be carried by any one or more of the following reasons.

1) by a traumatic past incident (like being bitten by a snake)

2) by the influence of other people

3) Negative way of thinking

But the question is –

Are you going to let your fear take over your life?

Will you remain a hostage of your fear forever?

What I believe you must take the necessary steps to overcome your fright. It's all in the mind.

Do you feel jealous of other people when you see them enjoying wild rides, and you are just stuck in a corner because you are too scared to give it a try?

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If you accept my suggestion face your fear head-on. Imagine yourself enjoying the experience instead of amplifying the things that make you worry.

(Unless and until you have health problems, then taking wild rides may not be a good idea).

Do you want to be a doctor but you are afraid that your understanding can't handle the pressure or you are worried about financial insecurity?

Well here is the good news. If you are really determined to achieve your deepest desires, a powerful force will enable you to reach every obstacle that comes in the way.

Someone or something will always be there to help you achieve your goals. Just have faith in your skill & abilities. Your willpower has the greatest capacity to accomplish anything with the proper mindset.

You can use visualization techniques to help you in defeating any kind of fear in life.

Are you afraid of heights?

If yes, then imagine yourself being on top of a mountain, overseeing the magnificent sights. Enjoy and feel the moment. Take away all worries and anxieties.

Then just do it! Face it!

Go to the top of a building and experience the great feeling of being able to face your fear.

This practice applies to whatever thing triggers your fear.

Just imagine being able to defeat your fear, then confront it with the positive belief that you have the capacity to do everything you want if you just put your mind and heart into it.


Start this practice to face the thing you fear the most and you'll never have to fear anything again in your life.

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