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Do you have a Future Plan or Dream?

Do you have a Future Plan or Dream?

Plans and Dreams seem sound similar but if you research this deeply you will be able to distinguish them with much more clarity. Let's find here what do you have a future plan or dream?

People tend to look at the future with a perspective that is, probably, a remarkable characteristic of human beings. Very often future seems quite unclear and uncertain, which makes people feel distressed and at a loss. For this reason, we plan our events and we dream of achieving the best results in what we plan for our life.

So, what is the key difference between a future plan and a dream? A dream has aspiration, ambition, or ideal for life. A dream has some special taste or smell or instinct. It is very often our imagination, our cherished desire, some crazy wish. We may know that we may not achieve what we dream about but still, we keep our dream.

Plans are considered to be much more realistic, achievable, and down-to-earth. But on the other hand, if we consider dreams, dreams are just imaginary picturizations or visions.

Nowadays planning is everywhere when at the job we have a daily schedule, even household tasks are planned. Apart from the daily plans, there are more serious long-term plans, like planning for a new car, a dream holiday destination, Planning for getting married, buying a house at the seaside in 10 years or so.

The concluding example can be attributed to both dreams and plans. Thus, a dream can turn into a plan if you have some strategy for achieving your Dream.

There is one more aspect plans are not always what we really want to get very often we have to plan unfriendly things for us. A schoolboy plans to write his exam paper by the deadline, but that’s not what he wants to do. Well, he wants or desires to get a good result in his exam, but the whole process may be far from pleasing for him. However, the plan is with him.

A new motorbike can be a dream for this boy if his family is not rich or is against such offerings then, this dream can quickly transform into a plan.

As we see, plans and dreams, despite some differences, are often connected and interdependent. That is because they have one important thing in common, they are about the future, which is indeed uncertain.

Because of such uncertainty, dreams at times turn out to be more realistic than plans. That’s life.

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Since childhood, we dream and plan. We want to open at least a small slot in the doors to the future; that is the sweetness of uncertainty, which may end with bitterness or a greater sweetness.


Anyway, both planning and dreaming follow us on the path of our whole life, because this provides us with a reason for living.

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