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How to go beyond Goal Setting?

How to go beyond Goal Setting?

I just Googled the phrase “goal setting”, and found approximately about 1,14,000,000 results in just 0.49 seconds that relate in some way to that phrase.

This has not surprised me, because our conventional wisdom says goal setting is a very very important task that we must need to do before we start to pursue our desired goal.

It is easy to document both through subjective indication as well as through research that setting goals can help us achieve the desired goal and succeed in life.

There are hundreds and thousands of books, articles, YouTube videos, tapes, speeches, workshops, and websites blogs that provide in-depth information and processes to set an individual’s goals.

Individuals think for something as important as goal setting, with as many tools as there are available, that everyone would be a goal compositor.

This however isn’t the case. While I could write a book with the reasons why this is very important to set your goals before you start pursuing them.

I believe people don’t set their goals now because they didn’t achieve the ones they have set in the past. They fail and they don’t set their next goal.

They have followed the goal-setting process they learned or read about, but the seminar or book stopped at the wrong time. The seminar stopped with the setting of the goal. That is like ending the game after the first play, then going to sit on the sidelines, while the goal is out on the playing field.


My advice to you is if you can identify and recognize what you have just read then stop worrying about goal setting, and start shifting your focus on goal achievement.

In other words, stop worrying about how you are setting up your goals and what tools or models to use, or which software to track your progress with. Stop making the goal-setting process the focus, and start putting the focus on your goal achievement.

Here are three things you can do to shift your focus on goal achievement and drastically increase your success and achieve what you desire in your life.

1. Get sick and Tired

It is often said that people begin to reach new health goals when they become “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” In a similar way achieving a goal means that you want something different than you have now that is why you are setting up your new goal.

To build your ongoing and sustaining drive to achieve the new item, knowledge or situation, you must become disgusted and disappointed with the current situation.

This doesn’t mean that you should become unpleasant or grumpy, but rather it means to develop a healthy dissatisfaction with the way things are now.

2. Get and Stay Excited about the Result

To sustain the challenges, setbacks, and disappointments along your way to goal achievement, you must have another motivation as well. The motivation could be anything you are the right person to decide your source of motivation.

You must really want the benefits that will come to you when the new goal is achieved. So, you must build a clear and compelling picture in your mind of what you will experience, feel, sense, see, and believe once your goal has been achieved.

You must Focus on the results you will achieve from the goal, rather than just the goal itself. This is important because, in the end, this is what everyone loves to see, not just the goal-setting process or goal itself.

Once you are on the journey to achieve your goal or you start working towards your goal, the goal might shift, but as long as the desired results remain the same and clear, you have improved the likelihood of achieving the end result you desire.

3. Set a Plan and Get Started

Notice I didn’t say to build your complete blueprint what, where, why, how. I am saying a lay out a plan of overall the steps between you and your goal. If your goal is of any size and importance at all, it will require many steps, and it will be very difficult almost impossible to identify them with any degree of certainty at the start.

Too many people think they need the perfect plan because of this they delay starting and they don’t even take their first step. Now tell me one thing if you don’t take your first step how you can expect to move into the next step? They always wait to get the best information, want to talk with an expert, want to acquire more information, read one more related book, or examine two or more options.

Just….Start and Get started! Give yourself a clear direction of a general approach, and some clear first few steps. 

Allow yourself the pleasure of knowing that the next steps will become clear as you start walking in your direction and stay on the path.

Doing these three things will drastically increase your success in achieving any goal which you set in your life.

Let, me say it more powerfully until you have these three factors going for you in large although potentially varying amounts, you won’t achieve the goals you set.

You will lose momentum. 

You will lose focus.

You will lose hope.

You won’t be able to overcome the first setback, and you will fall into the comfortable thinking that goal setting “doesn’t work” for you or you need a new tool, a new technique, or a new mentor to help you set “better” goals of your life.

Whether you are setting goals for yourself, the team you lead, or for your organization at large, take this advice to your heart. 

Focus less energy on setting the perfect goal and spend more time preparing yourself for ultimate success on how to achieve your set goal.

Stop worrying about the tenacity, and start focusing on the resolve that will be required to succeed.

Doing this will bring you greater success, and less frustration and will help you and your organization move to your ultimate true potential.

Recently Phani recorded a video where he described why an individual must need to shift their focus to goal achievement instead of goal setting. Consider watching the below video to get more insight.

In this above video, you will get why you should not set your goals, and how to go beyond goal setting? Goal setting is a very important step in our lives and many individuals set their goals before they start their journey. But you must not set your goals rather you must shift your perception and go beyond goal setting. To find out how? Watch the video and start practicing and start thinking beyond goal setting.

#GoalSetting #Don'tSetGoals #GoBeyondGoal

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