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5 Basic Rules of Web Design

Web design is far different than it was back in the 90s. We will explore the 5 basic rules of web design, and how they can help you create a more professional and effective website.

Do you know why we say that a website is a reflection of the brand of a company? Because the website of a company tells something about it.

It reflects the company’s image, values, mission, and employees. The website also communicates something about the brand of the company. It is where the company’s brand stands. The same rule applies to web design. A good website is a reflection of the brand of the company.

Web design is an important skill that every web developer should know, whether you are a freelancer or a small business owner. It is a basic skill that will help you become more powerful and efficient in your work. With these five basic web design rules, you can make your web pages look great and function easily. Few facts

Fact #1 - Web design is a type of graphic design.

Fact #2 - A website uses a layout, which is just a combination of boxes, colors, and images.

Fact #3 - Web design is developing a website from scratch with a layout.

Fact #4 - A website layout will contain several different elements, including images, colors, shapes, and lines.

Fact #5 - The elements should be arranged in a way that will make

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The first element of web design is that you must make your website look and feel good. You need to be able to focus on the design and the overall user experience. You'll want to make your website as easy to navigate as possible.

Another key aspect you should make sure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for search engines.

Here are some simple rules of web design that will help you create a professional website that looks good and is easy to navigate.

5 Basic Rules for Web Design

The first and most important rule for web design is


Your Website should be Easy to Read.

The most important part of web design is readability. You want to make sure that the text on your website is easy to read. Readability is important for two reasons:

The first reason is simple. It’s for users. Users can’t read the words on a website if they don’t understand what the website is for.

The second reason is good for SEO. Users can’t read words if they can’t understand what you are trying to convey and present through your website.

What do you mean? Text and background colors should be chosen carefully.

It is not advisable to use a background that confuses the text or a color that is difficult to read. An ideal design that a page visitor finds easy to read is dark text on a light background in comparison with light text on a dark background.

Also, do not set the text size too small, small fonts are hard to read, and also don’t use the too large font as well it looks like yelling at the visitor. All capital letters make the visitor look like yelling.

Keep the alignment of your main text to the left. Center-aligned text is best to use in headings. Your visitors should feel comfortable with what they are reading, and most of the text should left-aligned.

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Your Website should be Easy to Navigate

The Internet is one of the most powerful marketing tools any business owner can have, but it is also one of the most complicated. It can be hard to navigate, especially for someone who is just beginning to use the Internet.

If you are looking to grow your business, you need to make it easy for customers to find you. For example, some websites can have thousands of pages, and it is hard to know what to click.

All your links should be clear to your visitors. Graphic images such as buttons and tabs should be clearly labelled for readability.

Web graphic designers need to pay close attention to the choice of colors, backgrounds, textures, and special effects for web graphics.

Navigation buttons and tabs are more important to be readable and understandable than to have a "flashy" effect. If possible, the color of the links in the text should be familiar to the visitor (usually blue text indicates unvisited links, purple or maroon text is usually visited and shows the link).

If you choose not to use the default colors, you will need to highlight the text links in other ways (bold, large font size, set between small vertical lines, or a combination of these).

The text link must be unique. It should not look like other text on a web page.

Your visitors should be able to find what they are looking for on your website with three clicks. If not, they may leave the site as quickly as you think.

Make your website easy to navigate. It should be clean, easy to use, and give the user a good experience. Use a clear navigation system. Make sure your website loads within a few seconds, don't overload your website with too many unnecessary pages. If you do, people will get tired of scrolling and find it annoying.

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Your Website should be Easy to Find

It’s a common misconception that if you design a website that looks good, people will find it. Websites should be easy to find.

They shouldn’t be buried at the bottom of a long list of other websites that look the same. And they should be easy to find. It’s not a good idea to have a website that is hard to find.

Your website should be easy to find. You should have simple, intuitive navigation so that visitors can find their way around your site. Make sure that the information is easy to read and the navigation is intuitive.

How do Your Visitors Find you Online?

The myth that "if I build a website, they will come" is still a common belief among companies and organizations unfamiliar with the Internet. People will not come to your site unless you promote your site both online and offline.

The website is promoted online via links from search engines, directories, award sites, banner ads, e-zine, and other websites. If you're not familiar with any of these online terms, the best bet is to get an online marketing expert NatunEdge Services to promote your website.

Websites are advertised offline using traditional advertising methods (print advertising, radio, television, pamphlets, word-of-mouth, etc.)

Creating a website creates all printed matters for your company, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, and invoices. You need to print the URL.

Not only should your website be easy to find, but your contact information should also be easy to find.

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People want to know that there is someone on the other side of the website who can help them in the following cases:

1. You need answers to questions that are not immediately available on your website.

2. Some elements of your website are not working and your end users need to be able to notify you about those elements.

You can also reassure your end users by providing all relevant contact information (address, phone number, fax number, and email address). They can contact you in the most convenient way for them.

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Web Page Layout and Design should be Steady throughout the Site

There are a lot of people who still don’t understand the basics of web design. They don’t understand the difference between content and the layout on the page. They are confused about how to use colors. And they have no idea about the basic principles of web design.

The most important thing to remember is that your web page layout and design should be steady throughout the site. If you’re on the home page and then suddenly have a widget or some other change to the page layout, it can be jarring to the user and can take them out of the experience.

In addition, if you have a mobile page but want it to be consistent on the desktop version, you’ll have to make sure that the mobile layout and design stay consistent throughout the site.

This is for several reasons, the most important being that visitors shouldn't have to worry about whether or not they are on the right page. Visitors should know when they go to your site that they are going to see the same layout throughout.

Another reason why you should have a consistent layout is that it makes your site easier to navigate. Your visitors don't have to scroll around to find what they

As with word processor-formatted documents or desktop publishing program-formatted pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, all graphic images and elements, fonts and headlines, and footers need to be consistent throughout the site. I have. Whether it's a report or a series of web pages, the consistency of each document conveys a professional image.

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For example, if you want to use drop shadows as a special effect for bullets, you must use drop shadows on all bullets. The color of the link should be consistent across the web page. The font and background color should also remain the same on your website.

This consistency is required, especially for color-coded websites. Fonts, body and heading placement, background effects, and graphics special effects should remain the same. Only the color should change.

Your Website Should Download Fast

If you want your website to get a lot of traffic, you need to make sure that it loads fast. Users won't wait longer than 4 seconds before closing a tab. If it takes more than 10 seconds for the website to fully load, they will just leave it.

Studies have shown that if most of the pages are not downloaded within 15 seconds, visitors will quickly lose interest in your website. (Artist sites will display a warning at the top of the page.) Download times should also be considered for sites that are sold to high-end users.

Websites such as Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are extremely difficult and time-consuming to access, so visitors often try to access them from home during off-hours. If your business doesn't have good brand awareness, it's best to keep your download times as short as possible.

A good application for this rule is to add an animation to your website. Sure, animations look "cool" and are eye-catching at first, but animated graphics tend to be large files.

First, test the download time of the page. If the page download time is relatively short and the page download time doesn't get too long after adding the animation, then you should consider the animation.

If your website loads slowly then you must choose your hosting plan wisely, check the best web hosting guide for beginners. You also need to make sure your website is using a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN is an external server that stores the files for your website, serving them from physically remote locations instead of your own server. This way your website will load faster than ever before.

So, if you want to get more traffic to your website, you need to make sure that the website loads fast.

Now that you've seen what it takes to create a successful website, there are last secret rules that you must follow.

Secret Rule: Tell a Story

Your website is not just a place to show off beautiful pictures or sell products. It's a place to tell a story.

The story you're telling is what your audience wants to hear. Why should they care? Well, because they all are human beings.


Finally, before considering your personal preference for website design, you should first consider all the above rules and adjust your personal preference accordingly.

"I don't like the look" attitude should always be dependent on the functionality of your website. Which is more important, creative expression, corporate image, and business success?

I am not a designer. I’ve always had an interest in the digital world and how things work. This is why I decided to make this article on basic web design rules. I hope you find this useful when designing your next website.

Do let us know in the comment box below why you wish to build your website?

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