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5 Ways To Make Money With One Article

5 Ways To Make Money With One Article

Would you like to know a winning formula on how to make money with the help of the internet by writing articles?

Let’s find out how I do.

I write articles, content, sales copy, marketing letters, & communication mailers, and selling them for use by others is my one of sources of income from the net. In fact, just that is one part of my business that generates enough revenue to support my monthly expenses comfortably.

Anyone in any profession or business can copy this formula and start earning with the help of the internet.

I write articles for individuals, businesses, executives, coaches, authors, and business consultants. They use different versions of my articles and written content in their own newsletters, with their own names on the byline.


When they purchase an article, they get reprint rights, but not exclusivity. But since they are in all parts of the country, and the world, they don't knock into others using the same article. They are also free to change the article.

This formula can be used in any industry by any individual but just they need to have an interest in this. Let's say you are a veterinarian and you have a bit of interest in exploring the internet to earn money. You know a lot about pets, and about your veterinarian clinic clients. You can easily write articles that appeal to your clients who are pet owners. You may already write and publish a regular newsletter with articles that appeal to your potential customer and clients.

What's to stop you from writing your article to suit the needs of other pet doctors who need to send out a newsletter?

You post a brief synopsis of your article on your website for veterinarians, offering it to them for a fee. They buy the reprint rights, and it gets used by hundreds of other veterinarians who want to save themselves time and energy on their own newsletters.

If you don’t have your own website yet you can simply build it by getting your domain & hosting with Hostinger. You can check this post for more information on 3 Step Formula to build your Website

That is one way of making money by writing articles, but here are four other ways through which you can make money from the same article.

This same article is reviewed several times to several extents. It can be sold to three different extents, for example, 2500 words to form a 4-page newsletter, 1500 words for a 3-page newsletter, and 400-5000 words for email.

That makes three more ways to sell the same article.

You also take that same article, change the title, and make it more by adding your own experiences, including your personal details, affiliate links, and other website links. You submit it to article directories on the web.

This type of article with your name on it gets picked up this time for free by other websites looking for content. Each time another website publishes your article on their website, they link back to your site. The more incoming backlinks you have to your website, the higher value the search engines give you.

This means you will start coming up higher in the search engine rankings when people type in keywords in Google or one of the other search directories.

That is the fifth way to make money from the same article. This technique is more indirect. Your article is being used for free, but the linking will drive new customers to your website. The more new customer lands on your website the more opportunity you will get to generate revenue.

Finally, you can use the same article, or another altered edited version on your own website and blogs, to attract new clients to you. Having quality content on your website articles and on your blog posts will ensure that readers appreciate your expertise and use your services, or even they buy your products as well. This will help you to increase your authority in the same direction.

Here's a bonus idea for making money from articles compile a group of articles about the same topic, format them into a PDF e-book, and sell it on your site. This is the perfect way to monetize your written content. If you wish to develop your writing skill and desire to write your first book you can enroll in the First Book Challenge course and start writing & publish your book for free.

You probably have knowledge and expertise in your own field that others would need and are ready to pay, in order to have quality content for their own newsletters, blogs, or for their website.

This method requires writing skills, don’t worry this skill can be built easily or you can hire a professional editor to help you.

It also requires you to learn the technique of how you can market yourself and do marketing on the web in order to reach potential buyers of your articles.


To start your marketing, initially, you can submit your articles to the many article directories which are available on the Web, and you can quickly build traffic to your blogs and websites.

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