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How to be a Top Performer at work?

How to be a Performer?

To achieve success and get ahead in the workplace you need to be a Top Performer. But how do you do it? What separates the best performers from the average ones at work?

You’re a top performer at work, aren’t you? If not, you need to read this article to find out what you need to do to become one.

How to be a Top Performer at work? It's a question that many people ask. And they want to know the answer today. The answer is simple

1. You must know what you want.

2. You need to know how to get it.

3. And you need to have a plan to make it happen.

Your plan should be consistent, but flexible enough to adapt to your specific circumstances. The first step to being a top performer at work is to be aware of the fact that you are a top performer at work. You are capable of anything. Everything you do is a reflection of your success as a person.

If you do the same thing, you have always done, you will receive the same results. Over the years, I have been able to claim myself as a performer in my work. I have been working for over 15 years and previously worked for several companies.

At the annual assessment Interview, you can always assert yourself between above average and excellent results.

There is an article where I have clearly briefed how you can succeed without a degree if you are struggling in your job because of your qualification. But here below are some of the attitudes and ideas I have adopted at work, I am sharing this insight in the hope you can also apply it in your life and succeed.

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Secrets to Being a Top Performer at Work

I. Do More than Expected

Many people feel like they have no control over their job performance. However, there are some things you can do to influence your performance at work or improve your performance. For example, you can:

First is always do more than what is expected.

If you need to solve one problem, you don't just solve one particular problem, solve more than one task. Many people are not willing to do more than one task.

They think if they do they would lose, that's not the right mindset. Only those who do more will be able to learn more. By doing more, you add value to yourself, and the supervisor likes more motivating subordinates.

Apart from this, you must

Focus on the values of the company.

Be on time and ready to work.

Follow the given processes.

Be on task and stay focused.

Be honest.

The best talents are the ones that know how to do more than expected. When you work on a team, you need to understand that you're not the only one responsible for the final product.

It's your job to understand what your colleagues are doing, and how they can help you. You can expect feedback from your colleagues and the client. You should be a good listener, a continuous learner, and show interest in what they have to say.

II. Be Proactive

As a top performer at work, you don't just have to be good at what you do. You must have a strong work ethic, a positive attitude, and be willing to invest in yourself.

You must be a self-starter, proactive, eager to learn, and willing to work hard. It is not all about you. It is about your company as a whole.

Everyone wants to be a top performer at work. But, what are the secrets to being a top performer at work?

Here are the top 5 ways to be a top performer at work

1. Be proactive

2. Be a leader

3. Be authentic

4. Be honest

5. Be a people person

Many people are simply not good at all the above things. But a few people are born to be great. You just have to work a little bit harder.

When a task is finished, don't just sit down and wait for your boss to assign a second task. Go and ask for more and act positively. Your boss will impress.

The biggest productivity trick? Focus on the things that matter. When you are at work, focus on the things that matter. 10 tips to boost your confidence and productivity.

Now you may be tempted to say, “But I have so many things to do!” But you don’t. You can’t do everything. And if you try, you’ll be a bigger loser than you already are. So, focus on the things that matter and let the other things go.

III. Take Ownership

Many people ask me what exactly the difference between being a high performer and an average performer is. I was also interested in this question.

So I researched this to find the answer. And here is what I found high performers are those who are often rated as superstars” or “exceptional” by their peers, supervisors, and co-workers.

Why is that? Because they generally take more responsibility and hold themselves responsible for their performance and responsibilities.

Take action and think of the company as yours. If you own your business, I'm sure you will do your job 100%. Being a leader, you do your best for your own company.

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Leadership is one of the most important skills you need to be successful at work. In case you are wondering what it means, it means that you need to take ownership of everything that happens on your team, in your department, in your company, and on your projects.

When you are working, you will be required to make important decisions, and you need to be ready for the consequences. You need to be responsible for the success or failure of your decisions. Learn to supercharge yourself and minimize your failure.

IV. Learn to Love your Work

If you want to be a top performer at work, you need to love your work. If you love your work, you will perform better. You need to learn to be more productive, you need to focus on your work and your priorities.

Get involved in the projects you like the most. You'll be able to learn new things, build your skills, and be a better asset to your organization. And because you'll be doing what you love, you'll only have a good time.

Passion for what you do is what keeps you going and makes you want to stay at that company. You will burn out if you don't love what you do for a living. Moreover, there are many companies that won't hire you if you don't have passion.

If you really don't like your job as you do then change your job and choose the job you like.

V. Share knowledge with others

If you've ever been to an event or conference, you know the feeling of having to constantly look over your shoulder to see if you're the only one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

Well, you're not the only one. As a speaker, you need to make sure you're always prepared to share information with others. And the best way to do that is to be up-to-date and prepared for anything that may come up.

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In the same way, when you work, you perform best when you have other people who guide you and share their knowledge with you.

And this can be formal knowledge such as how to optimize the company website or informal knowledge like how to handle an unhappy customer.

Having these other people share knowledge is the best way to become a top performer at work.

Many people want to keep their knowledge on their own, they aren’t willing to share their knowledge with others. They don't want others to be more valuable to the company while comparing with them.

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This is not the right mindset, the more you share the more knowledge you gain. If you keep the same knowledge for yourself, you won't be able to go far.

One of the key standards for promotion to a larger role is that you need to know how to coach your subordinates.

If you do not share your knowledge, you will not be given this greater responsibility. If you are willing to share your knowledge and are good enough, people will know and respect you as an expert.


VI. Don't try to challenge your boss

It doesn't matter what is your personal career choice but this matter how good you are at your job. If you try to challenge your boss's authority, you will be considered as a troublemaker.

So, if you want to be a top performer, keep a low profile. Do things that don't require input from your boss. If you are expected to do some unnecessary tasks, do them but don't ask for approval. Only ask for help if you are stuck and can't figure out how to do something.

You never know when you might get that promotion or a raise. But what if you try to challenge your boss and you don't even know how to? You might end up in trouble.

Your boss might end up thinking that you are a troublemaker and that you are not a team player. You won't be able to convince that you are right. If you have a good boss, s/he will look into it and will understand your point of view.

As you are your boss’s employee, it is important to understand how he or she thinks and works within the system.

Each employee has a different way of managing his or her career but if you seriously want to be a top performer, you need to respect the system, follow the rules, communicate well and work with people.

I'm not asking you to be a “Yes Boss” man. You have to show your boss what you can think of. But you have to be a professional even if you don’t agree with your boss. You still need to follow their order even if you do not agree with them.

VII. Teamwork is Important

You need to be able to work in teams and be able to be open to different ideas and opinions. If you can work well in a team and be able to collaborate and collaborate with others, you will be able to excel in work.

You should be able to take direction from your manager and supervisor, but you should also be able to present your own opinions.

You need to know how to work well with others as a team. Try to be an expert in your field. Read and learn more about the industry. If you have the right mindset, you will always be recognized and always a performer wherever you work. Develop you right attitude, mindset, and become a perfectionist.

The top performers I've met were always willing to help, share their knowledge and ideas, and motivate others.

When you work with highly effective people, you'll end up having a lot more fun at work, and will feel more motivated.


As working professionals, we all need to be able to perform well at work. You need to be able to get the most out of yourself and your colleagues, be it the CEO or the receptionist.

In order to be a top performer, you need to know, what are you good at? What you are bad at? You need to be able to apply the knowledge of your skills to every task that you do.

Always remember to be yourself, honest, open, and never stop learning new and exploring yourself.

Now, stop thinking and start doing.

Do let us know in the comment section below what is the one method you are going to practice immediately in your job.

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