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12 Proven Methods to Drive Traffic to your Blog


Blogging is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website. If you have a blog, you should have a good plan to drive traffic to your blog.


Many factors make a blog far superior to a regular website. For example, blog indexing speed, ability to submit to blog directories and regular directories, pings, trackbacks, and more. All these little things can help increase traffic to your blog.

Several methods can help drive traffic to your blog. One method is to produce high-quality content and make sure that your blog is updated regularly.


The blog article title should be informative and should encourage people to click on it. The meta description should be a short sentence that attracts the reader to click.


You must need to grab your reader's attention by saying something like "How to make 25,000 to 50,000 a month with your blog"


You could also use a question: "How to make 25,000 to 50,000 a month with your blog?


You can target specific keywords and write articles about them. Another method is to create a strong social media presence and post interesting updates on your website or Facebook page.


Finally, you can try using search engines to attract attention to your blog from potential readers.


I have to admit, I never gave much thought to driving traffic back then and increasing website conversion. I never thought that I needed to. I mean, I had the most popular blog in my niche, so I was naturally getting traffic. And I didn't need any other methods.

I was pretty happy with the way things were. But I always wanted to be bigger and better, so I kept on learning. And I learned how to drive traffic to my blog.

Here are 12 secret methods that will help you to drive massive traffic and increase your blog reader audience.

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1. Create at least 4 keyword Posts a Day

The secret to driving traffic to your blog is to write at least 4 keyword posts a day. The reason to do that is when you write a post about a specific keyword, Google will give you a higher ranking.

That means, people will see your post before they get to a different blog that has a post about the same keyword. This works because Google will rank your post above all the other blogs about the same keyword.

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This is a simple tip that will help you rank better in search engines. We found that the more posts you make, the more traffic you will get.

If you make one post a week, then you will probably get 5-10 visitors a week. If you make two posts a week, then you will probably get a lot more traffic. You will typically get anywhere from 50 to 100 visitors a week.

2. Post to My Yahoo!

Submit your blog RSS to My Yahoo and it will be indexed by Yahoo. By posting to My Yahoo!, you will receive traffic from Yahoo! You will receive daily email alerts and an RSS feed.


3. Submit to Google News

Among all of the web platforms that have been invented, you can consider submitting your blog to Google News.


Google news is still one of the most popular ones. Submit your blog RSS to Google News, this will your site to be indexed by Google Blog Search.


RSS stands for real simple syndication. It’s a standard used by web readers to get updated information. Google News presents a constant flow of links to articles organized by thousands of publishers and magazines.


It's a great way to get your blog featured on Google. Google gets over 300 million visits a month and over 60% of the time users arrive at Google through a search.


4. Add a Related Links Directory to Your Blog

If you are not familiar with the concept of a directory, a related link directory is a list of sites that link to your blog.


The purpose of adding a link directory is to offer more value to your readers and to get more traffic from other websites that link to your blog. If you are interested in growing your blog, you should consider adding a link directory to the blog.


Adding an interlinked page to your blog is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic from other blogs to your own. There are so many reasons why you should do this.

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First of all, the linking page is more likely to be indexed by Google than any other type of page on your blog. If you have a blog that's focused on a particular topic, your homepage will be the most important page on your site.


Although it may take longer than a single submission to a search engine, this method may be the best way to drive traffic to your blog site.


5. Use a ping site such as Ping-o-Matic

One of the most overlooked, but most effective ways to drive traffic to your blog is to set up a pinging site.


Ping sites are websites where you can put a link to your blog or website on a variety of social media.

It is free, easy to set up, and only takes a few minutes.


Some of the most popular ping sites are Ping-o-Matic.


If you are hosting a blog on your domain name, you can use ping sites without paying a cent. Ping sites, as their name suggests, ping a domain name and report back.


In this case, you have to make sure that your site is indexed in search engines. If it isn't, the ping site will do the job for you. You will have to make sure that the ping site is set up correctly so that it picks up your domain name.


Ping the site every time a new post is added to your blog.


6. Submit your blog to traditional search engines such as AltaVista and MSN

There are many ways to do that, but the most popular is to submit your blog to search engines like Google and Yahoo.


Apart from this, you can consider yourself submitting your blog site to traditional search engines such as AltaVista and MSN as well.


You can do this by submitting a blog to an online community in which your blog is relevant. For example, if you’re writing about sports, submit your blog to a sports-specific website that is similar to yours.


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Talk to the person in charge of posting your blog to make sure they are comfortable posting your blog. If you aren’t comfortable with this, consider asking a friend who has an online presence to submit your blog.


This is an easy way to get your blog noticed.


7. Subscribe to as many RSS directories and search engines as possible

This is a simple but iterative process that can be done using software such as RSS SUBMIT.


8. Comment on others’ blogs

Don't leave short and lazy comments, I agree. Leave a thoughtful answer that leaves the reader wondering who wrote this.


The most effective traffic source to your blog is others’ blogs. You can do this by becoming a social media influencer.


This is very easy and you can do it with a low investment. Ask on forums and comment on others’ posts.

This is similar to influencer marketing. Although, you don’t have to invest as much time and effort in this.


So do comment below in the comment box and share your insight.


9. Use trackbacks

If you have a blog that links or quotes that is very relevant to your topic, please leave a mark. It may increase the popularity of your link and attract interested readers to the linked page.


Once you have your blog set up, the next thing you need to do is to figure out how to drive traffic to it. To do this, you need to figure out a way to get more people to read your content.


One of the best ways to do this is to use trackbacks. Trackbacks are a way to link your posts to another blog. Trackbacks are a link you can put on your blog that links back to the post you're referring to. They are a great way to drive traffic back to your blog.


When you get a comment on your blog, if you want to link to a particular post, you can simply add a trackback to the comment.


This way, people visiting the blog that linked to your post will automatically be redirected to your post. The post you refer to will be listed in the comments.


10. Email Signature

You can use this email signature technique to drive massive traffic from your daily e-mail communication. Just you need to include a link to your blog in the email signature block.


You can use this as a simple tool to promote your blog or business and set a professional tone in your emails.


It will show your professionalism and give your blog a reputation that will resonate with the reader. Besides, it's a great way to brand your business and offer the customer unique content, especially if you keep it short and sweet.


11. Use groups

Find relevant groups on Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, MSN Groups, or thousands of other free group services to find and talk to like-minded people. Use your blog URL like your name.


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12. Use Forums

The best way to drive traffic to your blog is by using forums. Forums are a great way to ask questions, share information, and get help from other users.


As you search relevant topics on forums, you'll find that most of the time you'll find all the answers you need.


Once you have a list of forums, you just need to post your topic on them. In most cases, the posts will appear on the first page of the forum.


Forums are also one of the best places to ask for advice. Visit forums to find out what issues can be resolved. Be sure to leave your blog name. Some forums resent people leaving their sites with unsolicited links.


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There are several ways through which you can drive traffic to your blog. Always focus on creating unique content and then submit it to popular blogs and websites.


You can also reach out to bloggers who write about the same topic and offer them a free article or review. Find bloggers who are writing about different topics and send them an email asking if they would be interested in guest blogging on your blog.

Finally, you can promote your blog through social media, website banners, email marketing, and other promotional methods.


These are some of the most popular ways to get traffic to your blog but don't limit yourself to tips and lists. Use your imagination and explore all the methods till the time you'll drive traffic to your blogs.


Do let us know by commenting below in the comment box, which is the one method you are going to execute right from today to drive massive traffic to your blog site?

Thanks for reading!