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How to Check your Writing Skills?

There are a lot of people who write great things, but very few people know how to do it well. If you want to be a good writer, you need to practice and learn. And if you want to improve your writing skills, you need to find the right tools and resources.

This guide will help you get started, and even teach you some essential techniques so that you can see your writing progress in real-time.


Reading comprehension is one of the most important skills you can have as a writer. It’s not only important for your writing, but also for your overall communication and understanding of the written word.

You need to be able to understand complex texts, and reading comprehension is one way to do just that. A lot of people think that they know how to read, but that’s not always the case.


Quality writing takes time, effort, and practice. You won’t get better at it overnight. It’s something you work on every day, during the hours that matter most.

And if you want to be a great writer, you need to start by learning how to check your skills, then you can see if you have what it takes to write great things.

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Over the years, many people have asked me to look at their writing. "I need to know, do I have talent or not," they say. "Then I’ll know if I should pursue writing or stick to accounting."

Their request is seriously incorrect.

I would say anyone can become a better writer.

When I experience my English composition at various stages of my life, I see certain proof of this. Initially, I also used to think the way you are thinking now but now my writing turned into lively, well-written blogs, paragraphs, notes, e-Books, e-mails, Social Media posts, WhatsApp chat, and anywhere I write.

Likewise, I have seen adequately writers whose work seems plain and uninspired get assignment upon assignment from magazines while others with incredible word craft skills can't get published anywhere.

According to Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck, I was right to question the query about talent. Dweck's book, Mindset - The New Psychology of Success, reports research showing that in education, the arts, and business, people who believe talent is fixed and inborn do not fully develop their full potential and do not recover easily from setbacks.

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Those who believe talent can be developed, regardless of deceptive starting point, not only achieve more but also prompt greater achievement in their children and staff.

Learn to supercharge yourself and you can change your mind, talent, or intelligence.

When you start writing, it’s important to remember that you can never be too prepared. The more you know about the process, the better your chances of hitting your target audience and producing high-quality written work.

This is why learning to write effectively is an important skill for any writer – not just those who want to get published.

What makes learning how to write so important is that it’s one of the most difficult skills in the world. A lot of things must go into perfecting this skill, from understanding grammar and sentence structure to improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension.

It takes time, dedication, and practice – all of which can be learned through dedicated reading and self-study.

If you want to see your work published, learning how to write well will be a critical part of your success. And if you don’t believe me, check out some of the best writers in the world and see what they’ve done.

Toss out the belief that you either have writing talent or you don’t. Instead, approach getting published as requiring a set of skills that you can intentionally learn.

How to find out if you have Writing Talent or Not?

These skills include:

1. Be Sensitive to Language Differences

There are a lot of people who think that they have writing talent but few actually realize it. In order to check whether you have written talent or not, you must always be sensitive to language differences.

For example, if you are trying to write an essay, you should try to use the same language as the person who is writing the essay. This way, you will be able to understand their thoughts and make sure that your essay is of high quality.

Always be sensitive and stay focused on the language differences, "caldron" and "kettle" are the same, or when to say "brave" and "bravery" to gang members, a good encyclopedia can help.

There are always language differences when trying to communicate with others, whether it be in a meeting or online. It can be difficult to get the message across without using different words. Sometimes it is best to use one or two phrases that everyone understands.

When speaking or writing in different languages, it is also important to be sensitive to the differences in language usage. This means that you should always be aware of how your words may be interpreted by others because these spoken words only help you when actually start writing.

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2. Recognising Your Vocabulary

This is a skill that you should always keep an eye on. Every time you write something, you should check if it's understandable and if it's using the right vocabulary.

You should keep a close eye on your writing because, if you want to get your writing noticed by readers, you will have to make sure you are using the right words and phrases.

As a writer, it is impossible to write without using the right vocabulary. It’s not like you can use synonyms of the words.

If you are not confident in your vocabulary, you should start learning the words that are used in your daily life.

It is always a nice thing to have the right vocabulary to express yourself. If you are not sure how to use the right vocabulary, you should start learning the words that are used in your daily life.

Your writing should be clear and interesting, so one way to keep an eye on your vocabulary is to check how often you go through your written draft.

Recognize that getting your message across has less to do with what you intended, but more with how your readers understand the words you've put together.

Lessons are often more difficult for those who desperately need to write than for those who have a more fact-based attitude to writing.

3. Rearrange, Replace and Revise

Being willing to put a piece of writing aside, look at it again in the cold light of the morning and rearrange, replace and revise the elements of the piece to tell the story more clearly and more artfully.

In this step, you’re checking how well your writing skills are performing. This is a great way to evaluate yourself and how well you’re doing.

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It’s also a good way to measure how much you’ve improved from the previous step. That’s because you can see the results right away.

When you are writing an email or a text to someone, you should check first if the information is clear and definite. It is important that it is easy to understand.

Every sentence should have a clear idea. The usual way to check your writing skills is to check how well you can create the perfect sentence.

4. Discipline to Learn and Apply the rules of Spelling and Grammar Usage

When it comes to writing skills, you must first understand the rules of spelling, grammar, and usage. You're not always going to have the most convenient way of checking your work. Maybe you haven't written anything in a while, or maybe you forgot it completely.

But the rule is simple, you should never write anything without reading it through first. There are some tricks you can use to help you check for grammar and spelling errors.

You don't need to be a perfect writer. In fact, you don't need to be any good at all. The real focus should be on knowing the rules and applying them correctly.

The amount of effort you put into learning them should be proportional to how much you use them. So, when you read and write, learn the rules first.

Once you have a good understanding of them, apply them correctly. You'll get better with practice and continuous learning.

When you are writing for a publication or website, you do not need to be perfect. If you are trying to write a document for school, you might want to make sure you have a copy that has all of the rules of grammar and usage in place.

But, for general writing, you do not need to be perfect. If you are going to be communicating with people, you should have the discipline to learn the rules.

Yes, when your work is accepted for publication you`ll usually have an editor who`ll save you from major mistakes. But editors choose to work with those who know and follow the standards of professional writing.

Writing is a very useful skill to possess. Whether you're writing business, school, or personal emails, it's an essential skill to learn.

But if you're not sure if you have a good level of writing skills or you are lacking the discipline to constantly improve them.

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5. Being able to Bounce Back from Dissatisfaction

In writing possibility of refusal never goes away. Successful writers learn not to take it personally, they simply start focusing on the next writing project. Here are the 5 ways key to overcoming failure.

If you want to be a writer but are afraid you can’t write, I am going to give you a few exercises that will help you check your writing skills.

For a start, you can go through it again.

Read it critically.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound perfect.

Write your experiences and post it on your blog

Make sure it is a post that will be useful to your readers.

We all have our bad days and get disappointed by our own work. But if you're writing in the right tense and if your writing is clear, concise, and easy to read then you are ready to go.

6. Self-Publishing

It’s not about having the perfect writing style. It’s about learning how to write your way to success. If you can learn how to write effectively and share your ideas with an audience, you will be on your way to becoming a published author.

There are many different ways that you can learn how to write, but one of the most effective ways is through self-publishing. Self-publishing is when a writer writes their own book, usually without any help from a publisher.

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but it can lead to lucrative profits if done correctly.

One of the best things about self-publishing is that it doesn’t require any formal training or experience in writing. You just need to be able to read and understand written English well enough to produce quality content.

Once you have this skill set, there are many different ways that you can self-publish your book. You could choose to publish your book online, through Amazon KDP.

Finally, there is no shame in admitting that you don’t have the writing talent that many authors boast. However, if you want to be published, there are several ways to go about it. One way is to approach getting published as requiring a set of skills that you can intentionally learn.

This means learning how to write effectively, how to market your book, and even how to find agents and editors. It’s important for any author looking to make the jump into publishing to take these steps to increase their chances of success. Learn 5 ways to make money with one article.


From what I have observed, these 6 skills and attitudes matter much more for success as a writer than anything we would generally label as talent.

Resolve to develop yourself along those lines and you are certain to get somewhere as a writer.

The best way to check your writing fluency is to ask people for feedback. Ask your friend, your family, your teachers, and your colleagues.

Read it out loud to them and ask for honest feedback on what they think, stop thinking, and start doing. If you want to know how to check your writing style, ask your friends and family again.

Finally, put yourself in the shoes of a potential employer. What do you want to know that you can find out by reading your writing?

Spelling and grammar errors and typos, along with awkward sentence structure will make you a less attractive candidate.

Make sure you proofread your work and use a professional editing service to clean up any errors.

This will not only help you pass the grammar test but will also help you avoid future errors.

Now, do let us know in the comment box below, do you have writing talent?

Thanks for reading!

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