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7 Common Mistakes People Make on their Resumes

A resume is a powerful tool that shouldn’t be underestimated. It's no secret that your resume is the first impression an employer has of you. It’s your chance to showcase your work experience and skills to a potential employer. It's your first chance to grab their attention and hopefully earn a callback.

How to avoid common mistakes in your resume?

A resume is a window to your potential employer's mind, and it's up to you to make it sparkle. You don't have to be perfect, just make sure that your resume is as clear as possible.

But most people make some common mistakes that result in a resume being rejected. These mistakes are pretty simple to avoid and can have a big impact on your chances of getting that dream job.

The main purpose of the resume is to guide you to the interview room. For job seekers, this is a vital step that requires great care and is essential in the entire job application process.

While it is good to have a well-written resume, it is also important to learn how to put yourself on paper. The resume is a piece of writing, and you have to get hold of it.


Your resume will go through an extensive process of editing, and in this case, you need to be ready to accept your mistakes. If you don’t then you might end up losing out on a great job opportunity.

So, what you should be checking and how to fix these common resume mistakes?

I have listed some of the key mistakes you should avoid in improving your resume's performance to get a better result the next time and land your desired job. Once you start working focus on how to be a performer at work.

Key Resume mistakes to Avoid

1. Don’t Send your Resume without Knowing your Profile

I am sure you have heard this before. Your resume helps you to put the first impression. It is the document that should reflect your skills and experience, as well as highlights the things you are most proud of. Or, at least, that’s what you hope. So, what are the common mistakes that people make when writing their resumes?

The first thing that comes to my mind which almost a few job seekers do they simply send their resumes without knowing about the vacant position and its roles and responsibilities.

Resumes are a very common way to get yourself a job. But it’s a great way to get rejected. When you are sending your resume to a company, you are sending your resume to a person.

And that person is going to do the first thing they know how to do and they are going to read your resume, and they are going to do what they think is a very basic reading of it. If they find it irrelevant to the vacant position, they simply discard your application.

For employers, these sorts of resumes they received have nothing to do with it even if they have a vacant position.

Useful readWhat is your personal career choice?

Generally what job seekers do is take a lot of hard copies of their resumes and send them to every employer.

This is not at all best practice. The best practice is first to understand what employers are really looking for and develop your resume just for them according to the vacant position.

When you are applying for a job, you are doing so with the intention of being hired. If you are not interested in the job you are applying for, it will not be a good use of your time.

Your profile can be the difference between you being hired and you not being hired. In order to be hired, you will need to know your resume. Each time you send out your resume, make sure the information you are sending is tailored to the job.

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2. Avoid Spelling Errors and Grammar Mistakes

If you have a bad resume, there's a very good chance you're not going to get hired for the job you're applying for. You can't make up for a bad resume with a good cover letter, and a good cover letter can't make up for a bad resume.

So, if you're like most people, you're probably wasting a lot of time trying to figure out how to make a resume that will get people to look at it.

Spelling errors are the WORST. They can spell your career in one fell swoop, learn how to find your ideal career.

It's not that employers are looking down on those who make grammar mistakes, but they do take notice of them.

Employers observed and confirm these grammatical errors in resumes are one of the most negative aspects that can work against you. Therefore, you should take extra care before you submit your resume.

A misspelled word or incorrectly formatted sentence is like a red light blinking in a busy intersection. On the one hand, you'd prefer to avoid getting in the way of other cars. On the other, you don't want to be hit by one.

The entire resume should be carefully checked for grammatical errors before being printed for final submission or you send it to your employer.

3. Lack of Details

You might think that since you have a pretty good career, you don't need to do anything on your resume, but you're wrong. The sprite is in the details you provide.

In a market where jobs are extremely competitive and you need to stand out from the crowd, you need to have an amazing resume. You can’t just stick to the same old resume and expect your resume to be enough to get you the job. Learn how you can find your next a job online.

I'm not saying that you have to work on your resume. I'm just saying that your resume has to be perfect. It's not enough to have the information you must develop your resume honestly with the correct information.

A resume that speaks for itself is a resume that will get you the job. You need to build it better than your competitors. You need to make it more engaging and interesting to the recruiter. This is your chance to do that, and to make it stick.

Unrelated information may be provided and relevant information may appear to be missing from your resume.

Therefore, you need to make sure that important information is there. Keep the point and don't mention irrelevant details. However, do list your achievements in a story format and succeed, trust me you can succeed without a formal degree.

4. No Feedback or Consultation

Another common mistake is not having enough feedback and consultation when submitting your resume. People aren’t sure if they are going to get a response or not. And if they don’t they feel rejected and their confidence goes down.

So, they simply give up. Present a compelling case. Be clear if you’re looking for a job or want to work.

Don’t use fake information to make yourself look better.

Almost all job seekers do this mistake they never consider themselves consulting with experts or professionals before they prepare their resume. I would say this is a huge blunder, you must consult or seek feedback once your build your initial draft of your resume.

Ask a few people to check before sending your resume. It's always a good idea to have your resume checked by an expert. They may provide you with professional feedback and recommend better ones in the future.

You have to know that it's absolutely critical to get feedback on your resume before you send it to a company. It's great to make a great resume, but without feedback, you're just wasting your time.

You can spend hours perfecting your resume, but with no feedback, it's very likely that you're going to send it to a company, and it's going to be a waste of time.

Useful read – Learn the 3 key elements of a winning resume.

5. Incorrect contact information

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not enter incorrect information in your resume. This is also a common mistake I see on most resumes. However, if the information is not as accurate as it should be, the purpose of your resume will fail. This process usually requires contact with the customer.

Use your email address and phone number consistently. This is one of the most important things to have on your resume. If you are not sure what your contact information is, check your social media pages.

If you are not listed on LinkedIn, create a profile and add your contact information. If you don’t have email addresses stored in your contacts, try to get them from your friends, family members, or your phone.

If you're applying to a company and they can't find your contact information on your resume, they will not be able to reach you. Generally, a few jobs seeker does these below mistakes

1. A typo in your contact information.

2. An outdated email address on your resume.

3. Forget to include phone numbers or social media handles on your resume.

4. Contact information looks like it was copied and pasted from another resume.

5. Contact information is not tailored to the job description.

6. Your resume is not formatted and it doesn’t look professional.

These mistakes will break the communication even if you are the best match for the open position and this will stop you from getting hired.

6. Don’t Make Your Resume long

It is not uncommon to get a look of shock or confusion or even anger when you send out a resume. The reason is that people don’t understand how the resume works and how much detail you are expected to provide.

You can make a resume look so long that the hiring manager or recruiter will have a hard time reading it.

You can get away with it if you have great experiences to stand out from the crowd.

But it’s not a good idea to put too much information on your resume. Make sure to keep it well-organized.

So, the first thing you need to do is to make sure your resume is easy to read and to the point. It should not be as long as to read. It should have short paragraphs that are easy to skim through.

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Focus on what you did and how you did it, rather than focusing on what you are looking for. Make sure to keep your resume short, keep it simple, and try to put all the details that are relevant to the job in the first section of your resume. Question - Do you like your job?

If you are applying for a job that requires a lot of experience, then you should show them your work portfolio. Don’t make your resume long. If you can, focus on only three to five most relevant years, and if you have more, be sure to put them as sub-sections underneath.

In fact, I would suggest if you can you should keep your resume to one or two pages, a maximum of 3 pages.

So, these are the biggest mistakes to avoid, and doing so will increase the chances of your resume reaching its goals.

7. Not correcting the above Mistake

If you have made any of these common mistakes on your resume, it will probably not get you an interview and it could cause you to be rejected by the hiring manager.

If you have written the resume yourself, it is easy to fall into the bad habit of not reviewing it or proofreading it.

If you have a friend or colleague, ask them to review it, you will know immediately if there are grammatical errors and typos, spelling mistakes, and formatting errors. You should avoid making these errors yourself.

Don’t be lazy with the editing process.


The resume is the first impression a company has of you. You want to make sure you're giving them a good first impression.


If you are a fresher then you might be wondering how important is resume writing. It is important. I mean, how can you sell yourself if you have no idea how to sell yourself?

Don't worry.

The job of a resume must not be taken lightly. It is one of the most important elements of your career, so it must be done right.

What do you think? Did I miss any other great ones?

Do let us know in the comment section below, what is the one mistake you can identify in your resume?


Thank you for reading!

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