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How to Train Your Mind to Be Positive?


Are you feeling down about your life and your prospects for the future? Are you struggling to find ways to bring positive thinking into your day-to-day life? If so, you're not alone. Many people feel like they need to be more positive in order to succeed or feel happy. But how do you do it, exactly?

How to Train Your Mind to Be Positive: A Comprehensive Guide


If you want to change your life, you need to change your thinking. And if you want to change the way people think, you need to start by changing the way you think about positive thinking.


You might not know it, but most of us are taught to think negatively about our thoughts and feelings. We’re told that happiness and success are two different things, positive thoughts will lead to unhappy lives and negative thoughts will lead to successful ones. But is that really true? Yes you too can achieve your financial success.


The key to living a happy, healthy life is to put your mind in the right frame of mind. Positive thinking is one of the key ingredients in any successful life or business. Not only this will it help you achieve your goals, but it will also boost your mood and overall well-being.


In this article, we’ll provide 20 ways to train your mind on positive thinking. From boosting your confidence to reducing stress, these tips can help you live a happier life.


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20 Positive Thinking Tips That Will Change Your Life

1. Start the day with Cheers and Smiles

As soon as you wake up in the morning, think about what is good and positive about the day. Every morning is a new opportunity to start fresh and achieve great things. If you greet the morning with energy and high spirits, everything will go okay.

However, if you’re not in the mood for a positive attitude, your whole day could quickly become derailed.

So, it’s important to be happy all the time – whether it’s waking up, getting out of bed, or going about your day. If you can put yourself in a good mood before anything else happens, everything will go much smoother.

2. Ask for Guidance

Prayer is a very important part of our lives, and it can be used in both positive and negative ways. It can help us connect with God, and it can also provide us with information on what we need to do in order to stay on track.

Additionally, prayer can encourage us when things seem tough, and it can give us strength during difficult times.

It's also important to be prepared for whatever comes your way, and it’s essential to have a solid plan in place for when the time arrives. Prayer is a great way to start planning for what lies ahead, and by asking for guidance from God, you can make sure that everything turns out okay.

If you know exactly what you need to do in order to prepare yourself, it will be much easier not only during the event itself but also afterward.

Only God knows what we will be having on the day ahead of us. This will help you to receive appreciation and ask for guidance.

When it comes to overcoming tough challenges, have faith in God. I have faith that God will be with me through this day, and I am confident that He can do anything for my good. With Him by my side, nothing is impossible.

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3. Plan Your Day Ahead

The first question do you a future plan or dream?

When it comes to achieving success, making a plan is key. You don’t want to make any mistakes along the way and end up getting negative consequences that will eventually have a negative impact on your daily life.

To avoid these problems, it is important to take some time and think about what you need to do in order to achieve your goals.

Once you have an idea of what you need to do in order to reach your goals, it is easier for you to focus on the task at hand and not worry about potential setbacks that could prevent you from reaching your desired outcome.

It is important to be proactive in the early stages of your career or any business, as potential problems can quickly become opportunities. This means taking steps to address any potential issues before they become too pressing.

For example, if you find that a product is selling at a lower price than you expected, you can lower your prices or introduce new options to make your product more competitive.

Additionally, it can be helpful to keep an eye on your competitor’s pricing strategies and how they are influencing the market.

If you see that your rival is suddenly increasing prices, this may be a sign that they are preparing to launch a new product and want to put as much pressure on you as possible.

4. Keep your Mind Focused on Important Things

Set goals and choose priorities. Visualize practicing your actions. Develop a strategy for how to deal with problems. Concentrate on things that you think and do matter, even at the same time, see the solution to or relax and enjoy.

This will help you achieve your desired favorable outcomes.

5. Be Detached from the Outcome

Life is like a funfair. Sometimes, you are on the top, and at other times, it is the bottom. This means that there will be times when we receive our desires, while there will also be times when it does not happen. Sometimes you can become a top performer at work and sometime you can’t, that life.

Don't get angry if it does not work out for you. However, give your best in everything you do. Don’t get too attached to the future, for the future may have unexpected surprises.

6. Try New Things and Challenges

Human beings are constantly moving, so see this as an opportunity for improvement. There is nothing wrong to try new things and ask questions if they’re for good and improvement.

Changing attitudes and routines could include considering more options for a project, meeting new people from different places, and asking many questions also helps you discover new things.

Through this, the thinking process is directed to improvement, and wrong ideas are easily removed.

Useful readHow to stop thinking and start doing

7. Balance your Desires.

We exist in a place of opposites and duality – the gain and loss of pleasure, the pain and hurt from loss — life is more like one person riding the roller coaster of love and desire and another person seeing themselves falling through the dark night of pain and suffering.

This is how the life cycle lasts.

We commonly hear that the good things in life come at a price. We are continually in a search for that coveted object in the middle—the state of being content with what we have, but wanting more. The mantra that has emerged in the Western world over the last 50 years or so is “Me First!”

Though this may intuitively seem enough, measure and moderation are the primary keys to everything.

8. Be Realistic

Make sure that what you want is something possible and achievable. Hoping for something to happen which would never really happen in real life will only bring you dissatisfaction and stress.

For example, you wish to lose weight by 10 kg in just a week. Therefore, you have to set a goal and act on appropriate measures within a period of time to achieve what you wish on that timeline. 

Remember, No one can get slimmer overnight, you must set your goal as realistic and achievable.

9. Keep track of Your Mental and Physical Health

Mental and physical health is a really important aspect of positive thinking. This way, you will know yourself.

There is no other person in the world who can tell who you really are, what you want to do, what is your desire, what you wish to achieve in your life and so and so.

You must know your passions, favorites, values, and principles.

Spend some quality time with yourself by reading books, listening to music, daydreaming, and the likes. If you know yourself completely, you will be aware of how far can you go in your life substantially, mentally, and emotionally.

10. Love Yourself

Something that can be said first and foremost is, 'you will not attract anything in your personal life unless you create.’ Our thoughts drive beliefs and create everything that happens.

Next, you should learn how to love yourself first. Then you should learn how to make a positive commitment to yourself. Make a positive commitment to yourself, to learning, work, family, friends, nature, and other meaningful reasons.

When you start feeling confident about yourself, positive thoughts will naturally flow into your mind and you’ll be able to develop your thinking process. This will lead you to overall personal development.

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11. Laugh

Enjoy. Laugh. Have fun. Look at the brighter side of life. This is another way you can train your mind to think positively.

A series of thoughts beginning with fun and pleasure, ending with the idea that laughter is a powerful form of self-medication, so they say.

Similarly, whether your illness is physical or emotional, a few giggles can help you empty yourself of emotional experiences such as anxiety, disappointment, and nervousness.

12. Keep a list of your Goals and Actions

Be familiar with what you plan to accomplish and the ways which you must exert to complete them. By the time you are certain of what you want to do in your life and carry out, a stronger mind and willpower will start forming insight in you. 5 great tips to make your goals a reality.

13. Associate with Positive People

Look around. Turn your eyes to your friends and colleagues. The positive ones can help you enjoy life and thrive. Associate with them. The movie "The King's Speech" portrays a nurse who helps Kingsley (Colin Morgan) overcome his stammer and learn to communicate, where he accomplishes his greatest ambitions.

This will certainly help you build self-confidence and self-esteem. Overall you will be able to train your mind to think positively.

14. Make it a habit to ask questions

This is not synonymous with stupidity or ignorance. Rather, it is related to asking for more information and understanding things clearly. The more knowledge you have, the more power you have.

If you're always thinking of all the negative things that could happen, you'll have a hard time enjoying your life. Instead, train your mind to think positively by asking yourself questions.

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What do I want for myself?

What do I want for my family?

What do I want for my clients?

What do I want for my business?

What do I want for my friends?

When you think of the word "habit", you probably think of something that you do automatically and it takes no effort.

But the truth is, we are constantly engaged in forming new habits, and we are doing it all the time. If you have a problem with a habit, it'll take time to change it.

But what if the problem is in your thinking? You have to change your thinking to remove the habit. This is where positive thinking comes in.

15. Be open

We must accept the reality of the fact that we don’t know everything. We continuously learn in our life with every experience we go, with every people we meet.

You should not close your mind to generate new ideas and information that comes on your way. Our mind is so spacious and we can expand as we wish and it’s impossible to fill it up completely. So, keep forming thoughts insight your mind, the more thoughts you form the more clarity you receive.

Thus, we should accept well-intentioned things that may help us become better and happier persons.

Be open and live a powerful life.

16. Have trust in other people

There are a lot of people who have a lot of negativity in their lives. They are constantly depressed, always complain, and never really happy.

Nowadays, although it may seem difficult and risky to give trust anyone when you believe in you are confident in what they are doing for you.

Doubts and negative judgments are unnecessary. Having trust in others will bring harmonious relationships.

You may know about the power of positive thinking, but what do you know about the power of other people? There are people around you who are more powerful than you, and they can impact your life for good or bad.

A single negative thought can make you feel bad, but a single positive thought can make you happy.

Train your mind to be more positive, and it will change your life for the better.

17. Forgive and Forget

I've been studying positive thinking for a few years now, and I've come to realize that I've been thinking positive thoughts just the way I have been doing for a long time... I just didn't know it.

I've been noticing that all my friends and family usually tell me I'm being too positive. Sometimes they tell me that they can't understand how I can think so positively about everything.

To form positive thinking in your mind you must avoid mistakes and you must learn how to forget and forgive others. Fear, hesitation, unknowingness, mistakes, and failures are the root causes of negative thinking.

If you learn to let go of all the pain, distress, suffering, and fear you must try to keep inside your hearts and minds, then there will be nothing more to block your clear thoughts from being expressed.

Always try to forgive yourself for committing mistakes and forget these mistakes.

Let go of the anger and resentment that you have towards the person who offended you. Say to the offender, “I am sorry that you acted the way you did.”

It may be easy to forgive, but you will be forgiven by the person who behaved badly. When you are the person who is being forgiven, you will feel a lot better than if it’s the other way around.

18. Learn from experiences

In a perfect world, we would all get to experience all different types of life events. But unfortunately, most of us only get to experience a fraction of the things we really want to experience.

This is why we choose to focus on positive thinking. We choose to focus on the things that will bring us happiness and success.

Doing this will help us to overcome temporary setbacks and setbacks that happen in life. If you are someone who is struggling with negative feelings this will certainly help you to remove your negativity.

Your brain is the most powerful thing in your body. It holds all your knowledge and is responsible for all your actions.

It will keep on trying to make you into a successful person, and if you let it, it will do so effortlessly. But if you are constantly telling it that you are not good enough, that’s when it will fail.

If you want to be a successful person, you have to train your brain. You have to make it believe that you can do anything and achieve anything you desire and become a perfectionist.

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Learning inside the classroom is completely different from learning outside, the real learning comes with life experiences. In school, one learns the lesson first before taking an exam, whereas, in real life, one takes the test first before learning the lesson.

The real-life test is our own life experiences. If we failed this test, then the experience is not going to be so good, you study the situation and learn the lesson from it. From there, you can avoid committing the same mistake twice in your life.

19. Count your blessings

Start with a gratitude journal. Write down 100 things you are grateful for every day. Be conscious of your daily habits. If you are really struggling with this, you can even make a gratitude list before you go to bed.

Always focus and concentrate on what you have rather than what you don’t have. The absence of our desires will only bring discontentment and disappointment that will only waste our time, energy and resources.

Instead, be thankful and appreciative of all the blessings you receive in your life. This practice certainly helps you to develop your thinking pattern and ultimately you will be able to train your mind to think positively.

You’ll start looking at everything in a more positive light. You’ll feel better about everything.

You’ll be a better person. You’ll be happier.

20. Kiss your worries goodbye

When you start thinking positively, you will get some really amazing results. You'll become way more focused, more successful, and productive.

You'll be able to tackle challenges with ease, make smarter decisions and get out of sticky situations. It is easier to think positively and it is a habit that is easy to get into.

At the end of every day, before you go to the bed for sleep, there is no need to keep bad experiences and unhappy moments that had happened in the day with you. Let them go, throw them out of the window, and say goodbye to these emotions.

Dream about your future success. As a new day starts and unfolds, new hope arises. Keep believing in yourself. Always have faith in yourself and succeed in your life.


Concentrate on positive thinking, repeat positive self-talk, and visualize a positive future for yourself. This will help you to supercharge yourself, stay motivated, reach your goals, and achieve self-confidence.

You'll always be able to look back and see how far you've come. You might not have the goals you want right now, but being able to look back and see that you've changed over time and that you've become a better person is a great achievement. Learn the 7 secrets of living a life of Achievement.

Positive thinking is not always easy. It can be hard to avoid negative thinking in certain situations. But it’s always good to keep your mind positive. And when you do this, you will never go wrong in life. It’s been proven in hundreds of studies.

Positive thinking is a skill that needs training. It takes time and practice to learn and master it. In this article, I've listed 20 ways to train your mind on positive thinking. They are simple and easy to understand and implement. If you follow these daily, you'll see an improvement in your mindset.

Do let us know in the comment below, which is the one method you are going to start practicing from today?

Thanks for reading, best of luck!

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